
Heavy rain characters
Heavy rain characters

When Madison tries to tell him she has prove that Ethan is innocent, Blake ignores and brushes her aside, telling Ash to "get her of his face", showing that Blake will brush off anyone even with prove, also shows how further stupid and delusional he is.Norman Jayden even goes as far as to call him an "unbalanced, psychopathic asshole", but Blake just takes it as a compliment and leaves.

heavy rain characters heavy rain characters

  • To furthermore show how delusional Blake is about his accusations against Ethan Mars, near the end of the game, he will try to make Norman Jayden end his investigation with the Origami Killer, claiming that he found who the killer was and that "everyone's happy".

    What makes it even more incompetent on Blake's part is that he should have simply questioned Ethan about the evidence that was provided to him, which could of possibly lead to Ethan giving him the answers to the questions and therefore finding out if he was a serial killer or not, but instead of doing that, he just decided to force every cop in the city into doing a citywide manhunt towards Ethan Mars.Even though Grace Mars' story and the origami figure that Clarence Dupré found was suspicious, believing that Ethan was the Origami Killer all because that is a rather dumb thing to do.In fact, he only believes that Ethan Mars is the Origami Killer because Ethan's ex-wife Grace Mars told the police that Ethan once went out late at night and there was news about another victim of the Origami Killer when Ethan came back home, as well as the fact that Ethan Mars' psychologist Clarence Dupré found an origami figure when Ethan left his building. For example, he believed that Ethan Mars is the Origami Killer and he refused to believe that anyone but him was the killer, so he never simply bothered at investigating more suspects of the Origami Killer. He is incredibly delusional, as he often jumps to conclusions way too much and will always sticks with his beliefs no matter what, even when they are proved to be wrong.Because of it, it confuses the players of the game as to why Blake acts the way he does.Another problem is how unexplained his character is, as he is never given any form of a back story or any simple explanation at all in the game as to why he acts like such a jerk to the people around him, thus making him undeveloped.Even if he is supposed to be a character that you're not supposed to route with, his character is completely pathetic when you compare him to other characters like Eric Cartman who is written as a jerk and a character you are not supposed to route for, but he is still generally enjoyable despite his psychotic personality, but Blake is written in way where his unlikability and psychopathic actions are just sad and cruel rather than funny and entertaining.It's true that the Origami Killer may have kidnapped eight children, killed them, collected evidence so he could destroy them and killed people that knew who he was, but at least he can be treated as sympathetic as he has a tragic back story about him losing his twin brother, as a matter of fact, he puts orchids on the dead children's chest as a sign of regret for what he has done, but Blake on the other hand has no empathy or light-heartedness at all and is so unlikable that it's really hard to get engaged with his character.

    heavy rain characters

  • Even though he does good intentions since he wants to find and track down the Origami Killer to stop him from killing more children, but at the same time, Blake doesn't across as any better either, as most of the crimes that he commits are just as bad as what the killer does.
  • The biggest problem with the aspects of Blake's character is how much of a terrible person who he is to everyone around him, even to his co-workers, he may not be the main villain or be a completely evil person, but he's also pretty much shown to be an aggressive, hypocritical and an arrogant control freak who is somehow even more unlikable and psychopathic than the Origami Killer himself and is willing to break the law just so he can get through his own way.

  • Heavy rain characters